
Bonnie Selim is a Gemini-Taurus cusp Enneagram 1 with degrees in Film Editing and English Literature. Bonnie spends her time learning Chinese, putting off writing her fantasy novel about pirates, and debating whether or not she should start her own Youtube channel. Bonnie is currently in the market for a wealthy patron to fund her [...]


In her younger years, Molly Zimpfer performed in television shows, soap operas, national commercials, and theater. She was lucky enough to understudy Kristen Bell in an off-broadway show choreographed by Paula Abdul, and even luckier that she was able to perform alongside Bell for three weeks before the show closed due to 9/11. She also [...]


Kirsten owns the popular Phoenix restaurant, The Chestnut. She is also a wife and mommy of 2 little girls. She recently became a fitness and nutrition coach @fasterwayforkk and loves to work out, eat lots of yummy and mostly healthy foods and celebrate with friends, family and even strangers (because that's the job). She is [...]


Kia Roy is an Arizona native who lives in the heart of Phoenix with her husband and five stairstep children. When she’s not traversing her stuffed animal, Lego, and book-bursting abode, she dishes out quick and helpful motherhood, organization, and homeschooling hacks. She’s crazy enough to believe a girl with prayer, a planner, and a [...]


Brenna Heater is an Arizona native, former Miss Arizona USA, commercial actress, wifey, homeschool mama of two, music theatre fan, plant lady, and maternity and newborn photographer. She’s an outgoing introvert who loves to be silly and make people laugh, then curl up in bed by herself and watch true crime dramas. An enneagram 2w1, [...]

Enneagram Types as Lottery Winners

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Whether you’re a Perfectionist, Peacemaker, or any type between, admit it…you’ve thought about what you would do if you won the lottery. It’s a fun fantasy, and it only costs about $3. When we see that jackpot number climbing higher and higher, it just gets the wheels turning. Would you take the big payout or […]

The Impact of a Pregnancy Loss on our Friendship

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October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It can feel like a taboo subject, but it doesn’t need to anymore. About fifteen percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and this number may be even higher. This also doesn’t take into account the warrior mothers who have lost an infant. This means if it […]

Is TikTok Going Away? (Enneagram Types React!)

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 First of all, we don’t know what in the what is going on with TikTok. But we read the news and we know it MIGHT be going away. As you can imagine, we all feel differently about this possibility. Check out our latest video as each of the nine enneagram types react to the […]

The Overprotectors

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CLIENT: BRITAX CHILD SAFETY, INC From the playground to the dinner table, we all worry about the safety of our little ones. Sometimes we worry about the silliest things – but sometimes our worry is justified. That’s why at Britax, we take safety seriously in everything we do. To learn more about our OVERPROTECT campaign, […]