It’s your nine favorite personality types on a typical trek to Target. In collaboration with Enneagram & Coffee, Leeann & Michelle take you on a hilarious trip through each enneagram type as they navigate everyone’s favorite store, Target.
A comedic duo who loves making women, especially moms laugh.
It’s your nine favorite personality types on a typical trek to Target. In collaboration with Enneagram & Coffee, Leeann & Michelle take you on a hilarious trip through each enneagram type as they navigate everyone’s favorite store, Target.
We could all use a spa day right.about.now, couldn’t we?! Well, sit back and relax as we take you on a journey through each enneagram type getting their dermis scrubbed, extracted and masked. Special thanks to Kayla Hernandez of Luxury Skin Scottsdale for putting up with our shenanigans (especially 7, holy moly). If you’re in […]
Stay safe and healthy, friends! Wash your hands like your 6 friends told you already. Don’t let your 2’s make that grocery store run for you (they will and they need to stay home). Don’t tell 8’s what to do (you’ll regret it). Check on your 7’s – they are not okay. Don’t check in […]
Remember when we could go grab a cup of coffee whenever we darn well pleased? Yeah, that was two weeks ago! We shot this before quarantine recommendations were in place, and maybe it’s a reminder of the normal that was and will come back!
We’re all on the same proverbial Zoom call these days where the snacks are in reach and the mute button is everybody’s friend. If we’re all working from home, we might as well get a good look at what each enneagram type is doing. Some are working, some are napping, some are watching you work […]
We get SO MANY questions about our character choices when we act out each enneagram type. Why does she have that funny accent? Why is she so bossy? Why does she act like my elementary school P.E. teacher? We decided to share our thoughts on each of the enneagram types we portray. Our hope is […]
We could also title this “Enneagram Types Respond to Injustice.” However, it is very specifically “content theft” since that happened to us this week! Yes, some of our original jokes were used by someone else who tried to make it look like their own work. It was infuriating! We understand this is a widespread issue […]
Did you hear? There’s a new enneagram book on the market, and it’s by our friend, Sarajane Case of Enneagram & Coffee. In this video, each type gives their thoughts on this book (spoiler alert: they all like it).
By the book or breaking the rules? How each enneagram type DRIVES – our latest Enneagram Funny! For the 1’s in the room… no, we were not actually driving during this shoot. We stayed stationary in a parking lot. No rules were broken. Yes, 9’s, Michelle actually honked the horn several times and people were […]
Did you bring chilled water bottles to hand out to the interview panel? You might be a 2. Are you doubting your qualifications? You’re probably a 5. Are you interested in the interviewers’ job? Highly likely you are an 8. Welcome to the world of Enneagram Types at Job Interviews. What type are you? By […]